Hi, this is Boris Mirtchev. I want to share with you my background and why we created this site and our highly successful integrated program Secrets of Restaurant Success. We have been in the food and restaurant business for over 25 years and have experienced everything in the business. For the past 16 years I have opened and owned many award winning restaurants. I also hold a Bachelor of Science and MBA degrees. In my extensive experience I have created multiple successful restaurant brands, have received many consumer and industry awards and have also closed and sold restaurants.

I have experienced many challenges and successes in the restaurant business. I am well aware of the challenges that you face each and every day. I have been in your shoes for a long time and have learned and studied from both my successes and failures. Many of us jump into the restaurant business for different reasons, but we all have the common challenges of maintaining and increasing sales by keeping our customers coming back and having them rave about our restaurant. I am sure that many times you try to figure out how to serve the best products and keep your food cost in line or how to hire and retain the best staff at a reasonable cost. Are you challenged to stay ahead of debt payments, and try to figure out how to maximize your bottom line. Do you struggle with working long hours and can't find enough time for anything else?
This program has been created for you. It is an extensive and fully integrated program and coaching that will get you working on your business and not in your business. You will be guided and supported thru all aspects of the operations and the business. You will become an expert in all facets of internal and external marketing so that you can continue to build your sales. You will be savvy in your numbers and we help you set up the right systems that will ensure a monitored, controlled and optimal top line and bottom line performance. You will begin to reap the rewards of your hard work, be more financially sound and simultaneously create more free time to spend with your loved ones or as you chose.
I assure you that we have gone thru all challenges and experiences that you are facing each day. All that we teach and share with you is from experience and have tried and tested myself. Owning or managing a restaurant can be a tough job in one of the most challenging businesses and we have decided to share our lessons with you so that you can eliminate the long learning curve, avoid making critical mistakes and achieve optimal performance and freedom in your life.